Don't think I have mentioned in my blog before that I am a raging insomniac. Sleeping does not come easily to me. Oh how I wish it did. My husband falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, and I lay there for hours...jealous!! I have tried everything from over the counter sleep aids, prescription sleep aids, herbal sleep aids, simply trying to completly wear myself out, and even an app on my phone that is sort of a zen thing that helps you sleep. None of it really seems to work for me. However, sometimes I can lay down at 8pm at night and sleep for twelve straight hours. My only guess as to why this happens is that I am just so worn out that my body shuts down.
Sometimes when I am laying there listening to my husband snore I will get up and move to the couch. Then I sometimes read or write, but if don't feel like those things I turn on the TV and flip channels. Now for the most part I hate infomercials. They get on my nerves and I think they are dumb, but in those hours when I am worn out yet unable to sleep I start thinking I need everything!! The main items I have been sure I needed were Proactiv, BareMinerals make-up, and a magnetic purse thing called a Miche. No matter what I will always watch those when they are on, and will always think that I need all three of these products. Yet I have never actually ordered any of the stuff. I guess thats good because I do shop online for almost everything I buy, so it would be easy for me to order these things. I guess the reason why I am writing this is because I am wondering why these things look so awsome to me in the early morning hours when I need sleep, but seem so silly otherwise. I guess the shows prey on insomniacs like myself .
Well I hope that whoever is reading this reads it at a decent hour because I am not writing it at a decent hour!! Happy Sleeping!
Life According to Rachel
Welcome to my World
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Celebrate Good Times!!!
Last week my husband and I attened two formal events. They were a little different than the Military Balls were are accustomed to attending, but lots of fun!! The first event was honoring all of the sponsors who makes the programs on post possible, and the second was a ladies function and was basically a semi-formal night our for ladies whose husbands are deployed. My husband, however, was at the event because he was one of a group of soldiers who were waiting outside to usher ladies in as they were arriving. He was quite proud of the fact that he was the one who escorted Mrs. Campbell aka. General Campbell's wife ake. the Commanding General of Ft. Campbell, KY!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Busy Week

This week I have not one but two formal events to go to!! Twice in one week I get to see my hubby in his dress uniform!! He's so handsome when he wears his dress blues. One is very formal and the other is more of a cocktail party. I managed to find two pretty dresses for a good price. Its hard sometimes to find good deals on modest formal wear. So much of what is out there is for young girls going to prom. In less than two months I will be 30 and I just don't feel comfortable in something too revealing. Especially not when you are meeting four star generals.
That leads me to something else I may be teaching a class on post soon about Military Ball etiquette. While I am not usually big on teaching this class is interesting to me. I remember how nervous I was the first time I went to a military ball. While I was super excited too there are a lot of rules about what you can and cannot do. I hope to help other wives to know these before they are at a ball and are worried that they might embarrass their significant other.
The first formal is tomorrow night and I can't figure out what to do with my hair. In August for some reason I went crazy and cut off my long hair. I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was the extreme heat in Tennessee or just too many bad hair days in a row. Either way I don't like it now and am trying to figure out something cute for tomorrow. Stay posted for pictures from both events!
Here is a picture of my hair. I miss it sooooo much.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I like a Happy Ending!
Husband and I had a interesting Sunday afternoon. There has been a cat wondering around our neighborhood for several days now. Today she made her way to our yard and I couldn't help but pet her. Well that did it!! She adopted us! She was so pretty black and white with long hair and very sweet and gentle. Unfotunatley I am really allergic to cats so we could not keep her, but with the temperature quickly dropping outside I also couldn't stand the thought of the little girl freezing. My husband made a quick trip to the local Petsmart and they gave him the number of a local lady who runs a shelter, but she does not take calls on Sunday nights. Totally understandable, but the local animal control was also closed because it was Sunday. So, this meant that kitty would be staying with us for the night. Tim got her some food and an inexpensive litter box, and we made her a bed in our garage. We had gotten her all settled in and Tim made a post about her adopting us on his Facebook. Only a few minutes after he made the post his phone started ringing. One of his former soldiers, and really good friend's, wife was calling. She had seen Tim's post and her and her two children were interested in the cat and wanted to come get her tonight!! We love these people and know they will give her a great home. Also their little girl was so happy to get the cat it made my itchy eyes and throat worth it! I am really glad we found her a home so quickly. Husband took a couple of pictures for me. We could not get her to look at the camera, and please excuse my appearance!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Veteran's Day

This entry is a day late, but I spent Veteran's Day hanging out with my husband. I want to thank all of the brave men and women who have served and currently serve our country. Your sacrifice for your country is awsome. I give a very special thank you to my wonderful husband for his service in the Marine Reserves while he was in college, and now his service to the Army. I am so proud of you. I have put up a picture of my husband Cpt. Timothy Powlas when he first commisioned into the Army as a Second Lieutenant. He has now served eight years with the Army and five in the Marines for a total of 13 years of Military service.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Back Door Botique!
Today while running errands I got some good news. I have been accepted for a volunteer position at a small store on Post. I am really happy about this because I really love what this store does for young soldiers and their spouses. It is called the Back Door Botique and runs completely on donations. They take things like clothes and small appliances and small funiture. It is mainly to help to married soldiers in setting up their households once a week the spouse can come in and they get a bag which they can fill and they can take one item that they can carry. I really believe that this store is a good thing and have been told that there is not another store like it on an Army Post. I am hoping that my experience will enable me to start one of these stores at our next duty station. Already I have donated tons of stuff to the store. My husband and I have really been trying to cut down on our stuff, and it feels so good to have less things around. Once again I am getting off subject! All in all I am excited for this opportunity I hope that I find it fun and rewarding.
Friday, November 5, 2010
This Makes me Really Sad
My husband and I are both very set when it comes to our political views. He tends to be more outspoken about it than I do, but both of us are pretty willing to share our opinion. That being said. For some reason my mother's boss decided to befriend my husband on FB. I have no idea why. She may have met him at our wedding, but other than that she does not know him at all. As it turns out she is very into politics and posts a lot on her page about it. One can only imagine how fired up she has been the last few days due to recent election results. My husband commented on one of her posts, and another person asked him to explain himself further. Husband took the time and did explain himself in a very educated way. He did not put anybody down nor did he use any profanity. He simply laid out the facts. I then commented that I agreed with him and it was well written. At that point my mom's boss deleted myself, my husband, and my mom from her account. Now this does not hurt my feelings at all because I had no feelings for the woman and had infact hidden her months ago, but this will cause problems for my mother. For that I am deeply sorry that my husband and I became involved. My mom's boss thinks that her opinion is the only one and she will possibly make my mom's life at work very bad. This is so sad to me. I would never have intentionally done anything to hurt my mother. I can only hope that her boss will forget it by Monday and not treat her badly.
All of this has really got me thinking. I wanted to make this blog a lot about my views and stuff like that, but now I think I am going to take it in a different direction. It will be a bit more journal like. Just random things I'm doing such as my photography. I will also share stories that I think are funny. I may even post more of my fashion as I really really love fashion. I hope that I will not seem shallow for not posting on other deeper things, but I really do hate to hurt people. Also it seems that so many of us can not agree to disagree, so I resolve now to keep this blog light and funny.
But I will make one last political statement: VOTE!!! no matter the party. That is the important part is that we exercise our right to vote.
All of this has really got me thinking. I wanted to make this blog a lot about my views and stuff like that, but now I think I am going to take it in a different direction. It will be a bit more journal like. Just random things I'm doing such as my photography. I will also share stories that I think are funny. I may even post more of my fashion as I really really love fashion. I hope that I will not seem shallow for not posting on other deeper things, but I really do hate to hurt people. Also it seems that so many of us can not agree to disagree, so I resolve now to keep this blog light and funny.
But I will make one last political statement: VOTE!!! no matter the party. That is the important part is that we exercise our right to vote.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Few of My Favorite Dresses!
I wanted to post a few of my favorite dresses. I tend to like 50s inspired dresses. The only actual vintage dress I have is the flowered one in this entry. That dress was actually my mother-in-law's. She wore it for her engagement pictures in 1974. I would love to own more actual vintage clothing, but not much of it seems to come in my size.
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