Everyday I get more frustrated with social networking. I enjoy things like Facebook and Twitter, but it has gotten so out of hand. There are two main things that bother me the most. The first being the constant status updates that some people do on EVERYTHING. Nobody care about your entire schedule for each and everday. Now there are exceptions to this rule. Such as when you are on a vacation and want to easily keep your friends and family updated on what the places you are going and the sites your seeing. The other is the vague updates. I have been known to do this in the past, but now if I say something I try to not let there be any mystery to it. I also have stopped posting anything too personal. Personally I don't want to know everybody's everything. For example: If you are pregnant and just had a doctors visit you may post an update that you had a visit and all is looking well with you and the baby. Do not give the dirty details of how much you are efaced or if you mucus plug is thinning. Seriously people!! I know basic biology I know about all these things, but somethings should be kept between you and your spouse or in the case of pregnancy you might want to tell your mother these things, but not all you FB friends.
Now I know I have been guilty of these things, but I am making a conscious effort to do better. However, I have been told that some of the things that I choose to post make me seem superficial. I assure you this is not true, but a lot of my FB friends and Twitter followers do not share the same beliefs that I do and I do not want to offend them with my different way of thinking.
Overall just be careful what you put out there on the internet. You don't know who is looking at it and even if you do know the people do you really want them knowing that much about your life?
Hey Rachel,
ReplyDeleteThanks for always being so sweet in all your comments to me. I think I can maybe do some of the vintage styles, not sure. I don't really mind though because this was always my favourite hairstyle.
I get frustrated too with all the social networking because in a way it is an excuse for people that I actually know in person to keep me at a distance but be able to sneak into my life. I went three months without any of it and it was so nice! One of my best friends in reality didn't tell me she was pregnant during that time I was gone from facebook, and we even hung out! I found out when I came back and she said, "I forgot and figured you knew." haha. oh well. Facebook has helped me hang out with people that I didn't hang out with much enough, so that is good, but for the most part life was better before the internet in general. .
I agree with you about being careful with what you put out on the internet. There are some creepy people.
Hi Victoria!
ReplyDeleteRecently I have found myself without a job or school for the first time in my life. Due to this I have had a lot more time to read. One of the things I read were more of your blog enties and links on Human Trafficking. I wanted to thank you for bringing this to my attention. While I was aware of what it was and that it was a problem I had no idea the scale. Since then I have begun to do some very minor research on it myself and I am really saddened. I hope with more research there may be something I can do to help. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.