Back in October I quit my job. This is the first time since I was sixteen that I have not been working. I will admit that is has been a bit strange, and sometimes boring. During this time that I have been off I have had a lot of time to think about what I want. It seems to me that society tells us that as modern women we should want to have a some big impressive career, but we do not put much emphasis on our home lives. Over these few months I have realized that I enjoy keeping my house up well. It gives me a sense of pride and fulfillment. I am sure feminists would tell me I need psychological help.
I have no problem with strong independent women. In fact I believe that I am one. Even though I am married and my husband is currently our sole source of income he is in the military which means that he leaves me for months at a time. During those times I have to be independent. What has happened to our society that we look down on homemakers? If you want a fancy career then I think that is great, but do not make me feel bad because I enjoy being a homemaker. I hate when working mother's talk about non working mother's like they are lazy. Yes I know I am not a mother, but I do know that it is probably the hardest job in the world. Mothers who stay home never get a break. Yes work is a break for most women.
It really makes me sad that our society has gotten away from family. Everywhere I look I see movies and TV shows that make being a single mother seem so glamorous. It is not glamorous it is hard and unless a spouse has passed away or is abusive I do not believe should happen. Actually this argument could be a whole other post, but I feel strongly about so many women having children with men they have no intention of marrying. Then the government rewards them by paying for everything.
My overall point of this entry is to convey that it does not make you lazy or weak if you choose to stay home. As long as that is what you choose, and I myself have chosen it. Decades ago I am sure many women were stuck and didn't want to stay home but had to. Now it is different. We have the opportunities open to us, but some of us would prefer to lead a different life. I will not put down your choices, so please do not put down mine.
I feel sad too that people look down on it. When i was 17, I remember people made fun of me because I said I was going to be a housewife one day. They said it was no way of life and how horrible that was. I got mocked a lot about it. Now that I am one I think that I am a very independent person regardless of my husband supporting me. My job is to keep home and raise our children and I think I do a lot to do that and it is no easy task!
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel better, it is proven study that women who work when their husbands also work when they have kids, actually spend $3000 more a year than if they didn't!!!!!! childcare and all that is no pretty penny.