I spent last week in Orlando, Florida with my parents and my Mom's "sister-cousin" Billie-Jo. We had a BLAST!!!! It was BJ's first time to go, and she is in her fifties. I was so excited to experience it with her. I also found our a neat little piece of info about my dad. He lived in Clear Water, FL when he was in his twenties (many years before he met my mother) well Clear Water is about 60 miles from Orlando and Disney World. He was living there when the Magic Kingdom originally opened and went on opening day! How cool is that?!!! Oh, and he took my mom there for their honeymoon in 1978!
We didn't make it to quite as many parks as we had planned due some health issues on BJ's and my Dad's part. Don't worry they are ok. Only stuff that was to be expected with some ailments they each have.
We went to Epcot first and did all the countries. Then the next day we rode our to Tampa and Dad drove us around to see his old house and where my sister's went to school. Then we walked a the beach a little. Then we went to Bern's Steakhouse. WOW!!! It was an awesome place! My dad treated us all. He also took my mom their during their honeymoon, and their anniversary is this Thurdsay (April 14th) so it was kind of a second honeymoon. At this restaurant we had our main course in the dining room and then went on a kitchen tour, then a wine cellar tour, then up to a separate dessert room where everytable has its own little enclosure that looks like a wine barrell. I highly recommend this restaurant!!
The next day we went to the Magic Kingdom and it was AMAZING!! I have been there six times now and I always feel the same way when I walk down main street and see the castle up ahead. I can't even describe it I just feel so happy when I am walking down that street!
After a very fun but very long day at the Magic Kindom my parents and BJ went to Sea World the next day. I was not feeling well myself that day, and Sea World is not my favorite, so I stayed in. Actually it was very nice I had a lot of time to read and did a little bit of writing.
The next day my mom, BJ and I went back to Epcot to do all of the stuff in the begining of the park that we missed on the first day. I love Spaceship Earth!! After several hours of learning about the future and how they grow plants and Epcot etc. we headed on out and spent a little time at Downtown Disney. It was a neat place, but I think would have been more fun at night. There was a House of Blues restaurant there and I really wanted to have lunch there, because Tim and I ate at one on our vacation to Chicago last year and it was great! However, Mom and BJ were not really feeling it. No big deal.
Then it was time to make the 14 hour drive home. It was a hard drive lots of traffic, but we made it. I have to say I much prefer to fly, but it not always practical. So, that was our trip! It was great and I was really glad to get to spend some quality time with my parents before Tim and I move at the end of the month.
*More pics to follow I have to finish resizing them so more will fit into a post*