Last night while having dinner at the local Applebee's my husband suddenly started acting weird. First I thought he was watching ESPN on the TV that was over my left shoulder. Then I realized that he was staring at a large picture on the wall. Just was I was about to askhim if he was ok, because he was looking pretty confused. He says "No, what the heck! Is that? Wait it is me!!!!" The restaurant remodled this past summer and used a lot of pictures from our town and the Army Post here. Well it turns our that one of their wall size pictures has my husband in it!! How cool is that? Of course we took his picture with the picture. He is the one just behind the little puff of blue and pink smoke. Of all the soldiers at Ft. Campbell we could believe that a random picture with him in it would be chosen for this restaurant. I guess Clarksville, TN will forever have a little piece of Tim now, or they will until Applebee's remodles again!! :)
that is really cool! awww.