Tim and I started a new meal plan program this week called Emealz. Maybe you have heard of it. It was brought to my attention by a friend and seemed like it could be a good idea. You have to subscribe to the program for two people it is $1.25 per week to subscribe. Every Friday there is a list of five meals and recipes, and a shopping list of exactly what you need comes with it. Having everything all planned out is supposed to save you money and create less waste. We did spend considerably less on groceries this week, and also seemed to have less waste. I also did it because we were in such a meal rut, and never seemed to eat dinner together. We would each go to our desks or the couch and eat there. Now we are sitting down at the table together everynight, and cooking the meals together too. I think that little bit of time at the table everynight is going to be a really good thing for our marriage, and we will be in the habit of it already when we have a family!
Here is the only picture that I got of what I wore yesterday. I tried to take some around my apartment complex, but they were mowing the grass, and the guys kept looking at me like I was crazy. It does not bother me for people to see me take pics of myself, but the way these men were looking at me was really getting on my nerves. Anyway the irritation really showed on my face so I had to scrap the pics. The dress is from the wonderful ModCloth, it is a bit short so I am wearing white leggings from Kohl's, and if you can see it a pearle necklace my husband gave to me. I am almost always barefoot around my house. Unless my feet get cold then I wear fuzzy socks!
Tell me if you do Emealz or are interested in trying it!
interesting. do they allow you to choose what type of foods you can eat though because I don't eat most veggies and I am allergic to fruit. I'd be scared I won't like most of it. I really love learning how to make new things though. I only spend money on what I need for the week at the store so I have a pretty empty fridge.