As I have mentioned in previous posts my husband and I are trying to start a family. We talk a lot about how we want to raise our children, but we have one major thing that we disagree on. That is school. I am a firm believer in homeschool. At least up until grade five. I have very good reasons for feeling this way.
No teacher was ever really stood out to me. In fact I do not remember liking any of them. Well, maybe one, but for the most part my entire elementary education was done by my father. I am very lucky to have a true genius for a father. This is not me just being proud of him he is truly that intelligent. He stared teaching me to read when I was very young and noticed that I had trouble. It was later determined that I had dyslexia. With his help and much practice I have for the most part overcome it. Though it is a challenge everyday I am proud to say that I LOVE to read because of all my dad did for me. None of my teachers ever seemed to notice this. Although they were quick to think I needed medication when I would daydream a bit. What they thought was me just not paying attention was really me just being bored and thinking up stories in my head.
Getting back to our disagreement about conventional school versus homeschool. My husband does have valid points about socializing and what not, but I believe that we can still do this without them attending elementary school. Now as far as highschool goes I am not sure that I have the level of education needed to teach them science and I would like for the children to have access to music programs.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I do not have much respect for the teaching profession. This is not true. I do have respect for teachers. I just believe that they need to quit complaining about not making enough money, because in my opinion they do make enough money. They also have wonderful benefits that most states do not make them pay for. Also they do not have to worry about working nights, weekends or holidays. Now I do realize that most teachers would say that they do work nights because they spend some of this time correcting papers or doing lesson plans. However, that is not the same as working an overnight shift. When they do these things they are in the comfort of their own home with their family. I have worked many second and third shifts on Christmas and Thanksgiving day. A teacher will never have to do that.
That kind of attitude is what makes me not want my children in school. I can remember teachers complaining among themselves about all of the previously mentioned things. Also I do come from a family that teaches. My mother was a Kindergarten teacher for 10 years. She hated it and quit, but part of the reason why she hated it was due to all of the complaining.
If anyone out there has any advice on homeschool please share with me!! If any teachers happen to read this please know that I do appreciate what you do. I just believe that there are many teachers who should appreciate the jobs that they have more than they do.
Life According to Rachel
Welcome to my World
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss
For years now I have struggled with being materialistic. However, only in the last six to eight months have I really started to do anything about it. I began to notice that there was really a problem when it seemed that every outing my husband and I went on revolved around shopping. I also would get my mind set on something like having a new and bigger TV, when the one that we had practically new, but I was sure that we needed a better one. While I love that TV and we do us it a lot to watch movies I didn't have to have it. I also tend to shop when I am feeling happy, sad, or is I just have nothing better to do. Now most of what I shop for then are clothing and accesories, and I really do not spend much money on my clothes. Most people seem to believe that I do, but the truth is most of my clothes I found a great deal on and just can not pass up. Which leads me to another problem. I can not seem to pass up a good deal. Even when I know that I have entirely too many clothes I just keep buying.
I have really been working on these things. For starters we have cleaned out our entire house. I am happy to say that we do not have a lot of stuff stored away. About the only things are some seasonal decorations and my husbands military gear. That gear takes up so much space its crazy. I am also trying very hard not to online shop late in the evenings when I am having trouble sleeping. Instead I am trying to read and write more.
Over the years I know that I have started to let my possessions define my. While it is a longer process than I wish it was I am slowly working towards not being that kind of person. Already I know that if my house burned down tomorrow as long as I have my husband all the rest is just stuff. I am hoping that realization is a big step in the way to being less materialistic.
I have really been working on these things. For starters we have cleaned out our entire house. I am happy to say that we do not have a lot of stuff stored away. About the only things are some seasonal decorations and my husbands military gear. That gear takes up so much space its crazy. I am also trying very hard not to online shop late in the evenings when I am having trouble sleeping. Instead I am trying to read and write more.
Over the years I know that I have started to let my possessions define my. While it is a longer process than I wish it was I am slowly working towards not being that kind of person. Already I know that if my house burned down tomorrow as long as I have my husband all the rest is just stuff. I am hoping that realization is a big step in the way to being less materialistic.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow Bunny!
Today it snowed in TN!!! Rare event here. Of course everyone has gone crazy and stocked up on groceries and all the schools are cancelled. Crazy if you ask me, but oh well. I took to opportunity to take some pictures. Only a couple really came out, and I may end up selling the dress. In the pics it made me look bigger than I am, and I am sensitive about that. Its hard to see in the pics, but the dress has tiny pink polka dots on it. I bought the dress at Mod Cloth and the sweater at New York and Company.
Friday, December 10, 2010
A Pirate Looks at 30
One month from today I will turn 30 years old. Part of me is a bit scared like I will not be "young" anymore. Logically I know that this is not the case, but still it feels that way. I have been thinking about it and if I have accomplished the things that I thought I would have by this time in my life. Now almost anytime I would say no, but when I really think about it I have. While I did go to college and eventually completed my degree that was never really the most important thing to me. Having a big important career has never meant much to me. For the last ten years I have worked at a job I really liked and I believe that is the important thing. Maybe my being a pharmacy technician does not sound all that impressive, but I was helping people and took pride in my work.
Also I met and married a wonderful man. Marriage was never really a goal that I had. I did hope that it would happen, but I never dreamed that I would have gotten as lucky as I did.
Before I married I was very independent. For five years I lived entirely on my own with no room mate or anything. Times were hard and money was tight, but I would not trade one minute of it. That was when I grew up and learned how to make it own my own. Which considering I married a military man is a good thing.
I had a bit of a wild time in my early twentys. During this time I did a lot of partying. While drinking was involved luckily for me I never got into any trouble, and now I do not drink at all. While I am not ashamed of this during this time I got a lot of tattoos and some piercings. Actually I still love my tattoos. I doubt I will get anymore, but do not regret what I got. These tattoos are never visible in my pictures. I no longer wear shirts that expose my back.
There is one thing that I thought I would have done by now, and that is have children. This is something that is yet to happen for my husband and I. We are hoping that it will, but I am not going to let myself be unhappy because it has taken so long. When the timing is right a child will come along.
As I write this I realize that I am not old and there are still so many years ahead of me, and so many things that I am yet to learn. My goal for these next 30 years is to learn as much as I possibly can about anything that interests me. What I have learned in these first 30 years is learning is the most important thing to me and I intend to learn as much as I can!
Also I met and married a wonderful man. Marriage was never really a goal that I had. I did hope that it would happen, but I never dreamed that I would have gotten as lucky as I did.
Before I married I was very independent. For five years I lived entirely on my own with no room mate or anything. Times were hard and money was tight, but I would not trade one minute of it. That was when I grew up and learned how to make it own my own. Which considering I married a military man is a good thing.
I had a bit of a wild time in my early twentys. During this time I did a lot of partying. While drinking was involved luckily for me I never got into any trouble, and now I do not drink at all. While I am not ashamed of this during this time I got a lot of tattoos and some piercings. Actually I still love my tattoos. I doubt I will get anymore, but do not regret what I got. These tattoos are never visible in my pictures. I no longer wear shirts that expose my back.
There is one thing that I thought I would have done by now, and that is have children. This is something that is yet to happen for my husband and I. We are hoping that it will, but I am not going to let myself be unhappy because it has taken so long. When the timing is right a child will come along.
As I write this I realize that I am not old and there are still so many years ahead of me, and so many things that I am yet to learn. My goal for these next 30 years is to learn as much as I possibly can about anything that interests me. What I have learned in these first 30 years is learning is the most important thing to me and I intend to learn as much as I can!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sorry, Little Blog
I have been neglecting my blog. Truth is that I am still try to decide exactly the direction I want to take the blog in. I know I want to start posting more photos, but I have not been feeling very inspired lately. Maybe one evening this week I will photograph the Christmas light down at the river. It should be less crowded and easier to do then.
On a good note my mother-in-law has been in visiting this past week from Washington. We had a great time! While she was here we went to the local theatre and saw A Christmas Carol, and went down to Nashville to see ICE and walk around the Opryland Hotel (newly reopened since the floods that hit middle Tennesse so hard in May) and of course we spent some family time cooking and doing some crafting projects. She also taught me how to read a sewing pattern, so here's hoping that I can make a dress!!
For anyone who reads this blog and is wondering what ICE is. Every year Gaylord Opryland has and exibit that is made entirely out of ice. It is usually themed this year it is Santa Claus is Coming to Town and last year it was Charlie Brown Christmas. The exibit is so pretty and fun, but it is only nine degrees inside so it gets pretty cold! They give you the big blue parkas we are wearing in the picture.
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