Life According to Rachel

Life According to Rachel
Welcome to my World

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sorry, Little Blog

I have been neglecting my blog. Truth is that I am still try to decide exactly the direction I want to take the blog in. I know I want to start posting more photos, but I have not been feeling very inspired lately. Maybe one evening this week I will photograph the Christmas light down at the river. It should be less crowded and easier to do then.

On a good note my mother-in-law has been in visiting this past week from Washington. We had a great time! While she was here we went to the local theatre and saw A Christmas Carol, and went down to Nashville to see ICE and walk around the Opryland Hotel (newly reopened since the floods that hit middle Tennesse so hard in May) and of course we spent some family time cooking and doing some crafting projects. She also taught me how to read a sewing pattern, so here's hoping that I can make a dress!!

For anyone who reads this blog and is wondering what ICE is. Every year Gaylord Opryland has and exibit that is made entirely out of ice. It is usually themed this year it is Santa Claus is Coming to Town and last year it was Charlie Brown Christmas. The exibit is so pretty and fun, but it is only nine degrees inside so it gets pretty cold! They give you the big blue parkas we are wearing in the picture.

1 comment:

  1. I actually was asking myself, "What's Ice" until I read the end of this entry heheh.
