For years now I have struggled with being materialistic. However, only in the last six to eight months have I really started to do anything about it. I began to notice that there was really a problem when it seemed that every outing my husband and I went on revolved around shopping. I also would get my mind set on something like having a new and bigger TV, when the one that we had practically new, but I was sure that we needed a better one. While I love that TV and we do us it a lot to watch movies I didn't have to have it. I also tend to shop when I am feeling happy, sad, or is I just have nothing better to do. Now most of what I shop for then are clothing and accesories, and I really do not spend much money on my clothes. Most people seem to believe that I do, but the truth is most of my clothes I found a great deal on and just can not pass up. Which leads me to another problem. I can not seem to pass up a good deal. Even when I know that I have entirely too many clothes I just keep buying.
I have really been working on these things. For starters we have cleaned out our entire house. I am happy to say that we do not have a lot of stuff stored away. About the only things are some seasonal decorations and my husbands military gear. That gear takes up so much space its crazy. I am also trying very hard not to online shop late in the evenings when I am having trouble sleeping. Instead I am trying to read and write more.
Over the years I know that I have started to let my possessions define my. While it is a longer process than I wish it was I am slowly working towards not being that kind of person. Already I know that if my house burned down tomorrow as long as I have my husband all the rest is just stuff. I am hoping that realization is a big step in the way to being less materialistic.
I think that is wonderful that you have noticed what you've been doing and have not shrugged it off but have been trying to invest your life by having or wanting less! Good for you!!!