Life According to Rachel

Life According to Rachel
Welcome to my World

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just a Little Bit of My Life

Here are a few pictures from a recent trip that my husband and I took!

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections

I have gone on a rant about social networking on here recently, but I am about to do it again!! There are a couple of things that are really bugging me today. First would be the constant posts from people talking about how wonderful their life is and they have the best significant other etc. Maybe is seems like I am not happy or do not want other people to be happy. That is not true. It's just been my experience that people who need constantly profess their happiness or how perfect their life is are not usually all that happy. Same as the people who write in their about me sections about how they hate drama are the same people who are always in the middle of it.

Of course I am known to post status updates about what a great day its been and so on. I am by no means an unhappy person. Now, am I happy every single second of everyday? NO! Honestly who is happy that much? However, that does not mean that I do not have a great and happy life, and just because I don't post constant updates on how wonderful my husband is does not mean that I don't feel that way about him. He knows I think he's the most awsome thing since sliced bread without me having to tell everyone online that. I think that my main issue with the stuff the updates that I see about being in love and so happy is the fact that these people seem to usually have only just started dating that person maybe a month ago. Also when my 13 year old cousin is refering to her little boyfriend as her "lover" well that just worries me. I don't know if she truly knows what it means to be someones lover or if she thinks its just a term of endearment. I am hoping at 13 she is atleast educated on sex and by educated I mean NOT doing it. Ok waaay over on a different topic there. Sorry!

Maybe I should try and get away from social networking, but it is so hard to live a completly Facebook free life. I have edited my friends down to people I know in person, and quite a few of them are friends that have been stationed overseas. FB allows me to keep in touch with my oveseas friends easier. I have also hidden even more people than I have deleted, but then they end up asking if I saw a post and of course I didn't because they are hidden. Hopefully I will somehow find a happy medium.

Friday, October 29, 2010

TLC You Dissapoint Me

The other night I found myself flipping channels on TV and for some reason began watching the new show on TLC, Sister Wives, I had no intention of ever watching it. However, it was like a train wreck and for some reason I could not change the channel. Now I pride myself on accepting all different types of people and all different lifestyles. I do not judge people on how they choose to live their lives. In fact I enjoy surrounding myself with a diverse group of people. But this is so different. The man on the show is breaking the law by having more than one wife, and TLC is paying him to follow him around and watch him do it. The women say that they choose this life, and want to be there. Maybe they do, but my guess would be deep down all four of them wishes he would ditch the other three.

This show is so demeaning to women. I was discussing it with my husband who was a bit upset with me for even watching it. He brought up the point that all the wives are only worth one fourth of what the husband is in the relationship and he was so right. What makes him so great that he gets to have all these women who are faithful to him when he is not faithful to them. I cannot believe that TLC would endorse such a thing by airing this TV show. I know that they are trying to have people not view it as wrong, but just a different way of life. But in this case TLC is wrong. Polygamy is illegal and wrong. The women went on about how they chose this lifestyle and how they love to have other women around to talk to and share their lives with. Is that not what your close girlfriends are for? You can still have the talking and sharing of feelings and outings and all that without sharing a husband.

I will continue to watch TLC mainly because What Not to Wear is one of my favorite shows. However, I will never watch that show again and will always think a little less of TLC for even airing it. I am sorry that I contributed to the shows ratings that one night.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Allow Me to Apologize

I would like to make a short entry to apologize for the bad grammar and spelling in my previous entries. While I do not want my writing to be bad in this blog for one of the first times in my life my work is not being graded, and that makes me not care a little. Not really a good excuse, but I will try to do better.

I am working on an entry for tonight or tomorrow about on of my favorite books/movies The Silence of the Lambs. Last night I watched a documentary on the movie and it reminded me of how much I loved the series of books.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Let's Talk about Me!!

I thought I would make an entry to help people get to know me better!

-I am 29 years old and don't really know what I want to do with my life. I have worked in pharmacy for 10 years, but recently quit. Right now I am trying to figure out if I miss it.

-Being that I am not currently working I am pursuing my hobbies and interests more. Photography, Sewing, Crotching, Mosaic Work, Writing are my main interests but at anytime something new might come up.

-I LOVE to travel!! I have been to a fair amount of place within the US and I have also visited Mexico and British Colombia, Canada. There are so many place that I want to go in the US and all over the world that it literally hurts me to think about it. It is so overwhelming. I am hoping that being a military family will help me see more of the world.

-I am married to a wonderful man. He is smart, funny, successful and he loves me more than I thought anybody could. He is a Captian in the Army. We live the active duty military life.

-Our military life has yet to involve any moving for me, but in eight months we are making our first long distance move as a couple. We are going to Virginia for six months and then we will get a new duty station. I am very excited but also a little nervous. I met my husband after he was stationed here. I am actually from about 50 miles away from our current post, so this will be my first big move ever.

-I have a major sweet tooth! That said I don't really like hard candy or anything gummy. Cake and ice cream are my main weaknesses. As is Root Beer I only drink water other than the occasional Root Beer and I will not keep it in my house because I will drink it until its all gone!

-I am not a religious person. This is not for lack of me wanting to be. I have tried and at this point in my life it is not for me. I could pretend that I have different feelings but I feel that would be worse that me just admitting that I have a hard time believing things.

-I love to do laundry! I thought I would give a few trivial facts.

-While I love laundry I hate to cook. Its a good thing my husband loves to cook! In fact it is his passion and main hobby.

-I love playing board games with my husband and his family. My family never played games together, so I am really happy that his family loves to play. The husband has also been very patient in teaching me to play chess. I'm still not good but I will get there!

-I have a huge interest in 16th century English royalty. Mainly Henry IIIV and Anne Bolyn. I will read just about anything I can find on them. It can be historical fiction or actual historical accounts. I will read pretty much anything about that time in history.

-Ok if you think that I am really conceited, but I think I am really smart. Far smarter than my history would reflect. I am not always the best when it comes to reading and then taking a test on the subject. Most of the time this is due to not caring. I consider myself an intelectual. I think about things very deeply. When I have an interest in something I really pursue it. I believe that really thinking and being able to interact with people and read people the way that I can is far better than being able to count my degrees. But number of degrees are what seem to matter to most people, so according to them I am not smart. Oh well!!

-I am conservative politically. This for some reason suprises most people. Not sure why exactly. One person told me he assumed that I was a democrat because I wore Converse Chucks all the time. I still don't know what my choice in foot wear had to do with my politcal views. However, I am very much a republican and will not apoligize for any of my opinions that I post in this blog.

-I am very sweet person who tends to get her feelings hurt easily. Oh how I wish that was not the case but I have learned that it is just simply the way I am. I can come accross like I don't care but really if I think I have hurt someone's feelings it kills me. Also it does not take much to hurt my feelings.

Ok, I think that is enough for now. I may add later on as things come to me!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Third Time Was the Charm!!

Since May there has been a blown glass exibit about 60 miles from where my husband and I live. It was an outdoor exibit by the artist Chihuly. Who conicidentaly is from my husband's hometown of Seattle, WA, but husband had never seen any of his outdoor exibits. Well the first time we tried to go it turned out that the exibit closed early that day and we did not know. Ok, no big deal it was our mistake. Then later on that week we tried to go again and it turns out that while they told us the exibit would be open that night there was actually a concert on the grounds so it was closed. Finally today spur of the moment we decided to go down there. After checking the internet and calling to make sure it would be open. It was quite beautiful and well worth the trips to see it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some Thoughts on Social Networking

Everyday I get more frustrated with social networking. I enjoy things like Facebook and Twitter, but it has gotten so out of hand. There are two main things that bother me the most. The first being the constant status updates that some people do on EVERYTHING. Nobody care about your entire schedule for each and everday. Now there are exceptions to this rule. Such as when you are on a vacation and want to easily keep your friends and family updated on what the places you are going and the sites your seeing. The other is the vague updates. I have been known to do this in the past, but now if I say something I try to not let there be any mystery to it. I also have stopped posting anything too personal. Personally I don't want to know everybody's everything. For example: If you are pregnant and just had a doctors visit you may post an update that you had a visit and all is looking well with you and the baby. Do not give the dirty details of how much you are efaced or if you mucus plug is thinning. Seriously people!! I know basic biology I know about all these things, but somethings should be kept between you and your spouse or in the case of pregnancy you might want to tell your mother these things, but not all you FB friends.

Now I know I have been guilty of these things, but I am making a conscious effort to do better. However, I have been told that some of the things that I choose to post make me seem superficial. I assure you this is not true, but a lot of my FB friends and Twitter followers do not share the same beliefs that I do and I do not want to offend them with my different way of thinking.

Overall just be careful what you put out there on the internet. You don't know who is looking at it and even if you do know the people do you really want them knowing that much about your life?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Hard Day

This morning when I got to work I had to deal with a situation that I am finding quite difficult. I work in a hospital as a pharmacy technician. For the last ten years I have worked in pharmacy in some form or another. During this time I have become pretty numb to the things that happen. I just accept it. Of course it is sad when people pass or have to be taken off life support, but dying is part of life and if I let every case bother me then I would not be able to live my life. However, this just seemed very different. It was a 28 year old woman who was having a baby. She had an allergic reaction to the anestesia (very rare) and coded twice. Both the OB staff and the ICU staff spent the entire night just trying to keep her alive, and she did make it into the afternoon at which point she was life flighted to another hospital. I hope that she pulls through. I'm not sure why this has been so hard for me, but as I was mixing her IV medications I began thinking about her as more than just a name on my label. I started to wonder what she did for a living, if she was married. Was this her first child? Surely it must be her first or this would have been known. I also thought about her significant other. If he was in the picture or not and how he was taking all of this. The reason I am writing about this situation is because it really has me down. People die all the time in the hospital, but when you work in a small county hospital like I do most of the time these deaths are not very traumatic. It is usually very old people who are expected to pass away soon. That probably sounds really cold, but I do not mean it that way. Like I said before if I let all of the cases get to me then I would be depressed all the time. Unfortunatley now that the patient has been transferred there will be no way for me to know if she pulls through, but I am hoping and thinking about her family and her baby tonight. I wish them the best in this ordeal.