Life According to Rachel

Life According to Rachel
Welcome to my World

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rain,Rain Go Away!

Usually I love rain. Provided it does not cause wide spread flooding that damages many homes and businesses, but it has been rainy and stormy her for about a week. When it's not storming it's just cloudy and damp. It really wouldn't really bother me except that I want to do a couple of photoshoots, and right now it's either pouring rain or the ground is just too soggy to do outside shoots.

As for other happenings. My husband finally got his offical orders. Now like it or not we are headed to Ft. Lee, VA. He is attending a school there that will last for six months and then we will be moving somewhere else. We intend to spend this time in Virginia to explore the northeast. The place that we hope to make it to while there are New York City, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Virginia Beach and Washinton D.C. The only one of those places I have been was D.C. and that was when I was 14, so I would love to see it now when I can appreciate things more. Oh, and I forgot, we have to see Foamhenge!! It is a fullsize replica of Stonehenge made out of foam! To me it sounds super cheesy, but hey cheesy usually equals fun to me. I know that our list of cities sounds a bit ambitious, and we may not make it to all of them. But I do hope that we make it to D.C., NYC, and Atlantic City. Those are the main places I really want to get to while we are living close.

I have not posted any pics of me in a while. The first one is me being silly with my phone, and the second is one of those pictures they take of you at various attractions then add in the background. In this one its me, my parents, husband and mother-in-law. We are in Seattle, WA about to go to the top of the Space Needle.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I have learned to Love about Me

Just a little over a month ago I turned 30 years old. Since my birthday I have been thinking a lot about the things about myself that I didn't always like. Things that I have not only come to terms with, but have learned to love.
-My Curves- I have been a curvy girl for pretty much as long as I can remember. While I have gone up and down a bit on my weight I never lost my curves. There was a time when I didn't really like having such large breasts and wide hips, but now I love my body.
-My long nose- I was blessed with the Matthews (my maiden name) nose. By that I mean a big nose. For most of my life I hated it, and was saving for awhile to have a nose job. I do not really know when my feelings changed, but over time I realized that I didn't hate it anymore. There are still occasional times when I see my nose in pictures and I think it's too big, but I know I would never change it. It is simply part of what makes me me, and if I were to change it then I am not sure that I would still feel that I looked like me. I hope that last line makes sense to other people and not just me!
-My pale skin- I have a VERY fair complexion. Just look at the header for this blog. That is what I look like all the time. I never let myself get a sunburn. Part of that is vanity I do not want to look old before my time, but I also am at high risk for skin cancer. Even more than I do not want to look old I want to do as much as I can to prevent skin cancer.
-My Hair- I have very unmanagible hair. I go in and out of liking it all the time. Right now I don't like it much because I cut it short. My hair is very thick and curly, but most of the time its just frizzy. The frizziness got on my nerves for a long time, and I would flat iron it like crazy. Now I just accept it for what it is, and most of the time I like it. I can do a lot with it, and it holds curl really well. Also I don't have such greasy hair that it has to be washed everyday. That is a definite plus.

*I had planned on having some pictures to post with this, but due to some rainy weather I have not been able to take them. Some pics should follow soon.*

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Caved

For awhile now I have been telling myself how much I do not need an ipad. Well, today I caved in and bought one, and I love it! Although I do still feel a little bit guilty for buying it. I have been trying very hard to be less materialistic. If I have not said this before I am really into electronics. Honestly I do not know much about how they work, but I am all about the latest gadget. However, in the past I would get to thinking that my life was not going to go on if I did not get something. That feeling is what I have been working on. I know people who treat their electronics like they are people and are always on them no matter what. That is not how I want to be.
That leads me to a suggestion that I had for my husband recently. I said that I thought we should go unplugged one night a week. No TV, no cell phones, no computer...None of it!! That way we could talk or play games go for a walk etc. He is not being to receptive to it, but I think he will come around. If anyone is already doing this let me know how it works for you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I have writers block...

So, I have not forgotten that this blog exists! I have been thinking about a lot of things that I want to write about. Yet when I go to do it I do not seem to be able to articulate any of the things I want to say.

I am working on it, and hopefully I will be able to make some good and interesting posts.

In the mean time if you enjoy shows like the Walking Dead or stories about zombies in general read my husband's blog:

All of the characters he writes about are real people, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Night Sledding!

My husband and I have a very unusual shaped yard. If you look at our house from the front you would think that we have almost no yard, but it is actually a very long narrow lot. Just our side our back door we have a little flat area and then the yard goes down hill and ends in a 100 year flood plane. Last night when some fresh snow fell we decided to try out our hill!! Turns out it is AWSOME!! Once we wore a path in the snow you could barely get on the sled before you were zipping down the hill. I could have probably played in the snow all night, but running up the hill wears you out after while. I am so glad we finally go to have a little fun with all the snow we have been getting!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class.

Back in October I quit my job. This is the first time since I was sixteen that I have not been working. I will admit that is has been a bit strange, and sometimes boring. During this time that I have been off I have had a lot of time to think about what I want. It seems to me that society tells us that as modern women we should want to have a some big impressive career, but we do not put much emphasis on our home lives. Over these few months I have realized that I enjoy keeping my house up well. It gives me a sense of pride and fulfillment. I am sure feminists would tell me I need psychological help.

I have no problem with strong independent women. In fact I believe that I am one. Even though I am married and my husband is currently our sole source of income he is in the military which means that he leaves me for months at a time. During those times I have to be independent. What has happened to our society that we look down on homemakers? If you want a fancy career then I think that is great, but do not make me feel bad because I enjoy being a homemaker. I hate when working mother's talk about non working mother's like they are lazy. Yes I know I am not a mother, but I do know that it is probably the hardest job in the world. Mothers who stay home never get a break. Yes work is a break for most women.

It really makes me sad that our society has gotten away from family. Everywhere I look I see movies and TV shows that make being a single mother seem so glamorous. It is not glamorous it is hard and unless a spouse has passed away or is abusive I do not believe should happen. Actually this argument could be a whole other post, but I feel strongly about so many women having children with men they have no intention of marrying. Then the government rewards them by paying for everything.

My overall point of this entry is to convey that it does not make you lazy or weak if you choose to stay home. As long as that is what you choose, and I myself have chosen it. Decades ago I am sure many women were stuck and didn't want to stay home but had to. Now it is different. We have the opportunities open to us, but some of us would prefer to lead a different life. I will not put down your choices, so please do not put down mine.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It was a civilization; Gone with the Wind

Recently I reread "Gone with the Wind". I first read it when I was about 13 or 14, so it had been at least 15 or more years since I read it. Well a few weeks back I was watching the movie, and I thought that I would really love to revisit the book. I was able to find my original copy, but it was kind of worn and I didn't want to take a chance on messing it up. That original copy was special to me because it was a hard book to find that long ago and I hunted it down in a used book store. So, I purchased it on my Kindle. It took me much less time to read it this time which made me happy because I have made so much improvement where my dyslexia is concerned.

This second time reading it was so much different. I found that I had a much different understanding of all the characters. Also, while it is much different, I can identify with people you love going off to war. While reading this time I was able to truly grasp the complexities of Scarlett. She is such a terribly interesting person. I love the movie, but I just don't believe that it is possible to grasp the kind of person she is. Sometimes while reading I do not like her other times I love her, and a lot of the time I was somewhere inbetween.

As I have said I am from the south. I have lived in Tennessee my entire life, so the long lasting effects of the Civil War can still be felt here. I have been to all of the places in the book. They have always been a part of my life. Many of my friends still fly the Confederate flag. I would like to mention that I do not own any Confederate flags. Reason being, the racist message that they send. I have no problem with it if they were just a symbol of our history, but usually the people who fly them are racist, and I am absolutley not. Just wanted to get that out there.

The fashion in the book is also of much interest to me. I love the big hoop skirts and beautiful bonnets. I think women should dress more womenly these days. Now don't get me wrong I know that hoop skirts are not really practical for everyday life, but I do believe that women should wear dresses more. That being said I am making an effort to do just that, and my husband loves it!!

The picture I decided to put up for this blog is of Scarlett and Mammy. I love Mammy she seems almost mean in the beginning, but really she is such a loving, caring and wise person. We probably all have someone in our lives who reminds us of her.

If anyone has anything to say about "Gone with the Wind" be it the book or the movie I would love to have your comments! Whether you love the book/movie or hate it I want to hear from you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am open to all! :)