As I have mentioned in previous posts my husband and I are trying to start a family. We talk a lot about how we want to raise our children, but we have one major thing that we disagree on. That is school. I am a firm believer in homeschool. At least up until grade five. I have very good reasons for feeling this way.
No teacher was ever really stood out to me. In fact I do not remember liking any of them. Well, maybe one, but for the most part my entire elementary education was done by my father. I am very lucky to have a true genius for a father. This is not me just being proud of him he is truly that intelligent. He stared teaching me to read when I was very young and noticed that I had trouble. It was later determined that I had dyslexia. With his help and much practice I have for the most part overcome it. Though it is a challenge everyday I am proud to say that I LOVE to read because of all my dad did for me. None of my teachers ever seemed to notice this. Although they were quick to think I needed medication when I would daydream a bit. What they thought was me just not paying attention was really me just being bored and thinking up stories in my head.
Getting back to our disagreement about conventional school versus homeschool. My husband does have valid points about socializing and what not, but I believe that we can still do this without them attending elementary school. Now as far as highschool goes I am not sure that I have the level of education needed to teach them science and I would like for the children to have access to music programs.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I do not have much respect for the teaching profession. This is not true. I do have respect for teachers. I just believe that they need to quit complaining about not making enough money, because in my opinion they do make enough money. They also have wonderful benefits that most states do not make them pay for. Also they do not have to worry about working nights, weekends or holidays. Now I do realize that most teachers would say that they do work nights because they spend some of this time correcting papers or doing lesson plans. However, that is not the same as working an overnight shift. When they do these things they are in the comfort of their own home with their family. I have worked many second and third shifts on Christmas and Thanksgiving day. A teacher will never have to do that.
That kind of attitude is what makes me not want my children in school. I can remember teachers complaining among themselves about all of the previously mentioned things. Also I do come from a family that teaches. My mother was a Kindergarten teacher for 10 years. She hated it and quit, but part of the reason why she hated it was due to all of the complaining.
If anyone out there has any advice on homeschool please share with me!! If any teachers happen to read this please know that I do appreciate what you do. I just believe that there are many teachers who should appreciate the jobs that they have more than they do.
Life According to Rachel
Welcome to my World
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss
For years now I have struggled with being materialistic. However, only in the last six to eight months have I really started to do anything about it. I began to notice that there was really a problem when it seemed that every outing my husband and I went on revolved around shopping. I also would get my mind set on something like having a new and bigger TV, when the one that we had practically new, but I was sure that we needed a better one. While I love that TV and we do us it a lot to watch movies I didn't have to have it. I also tend to shop when I am feeling happy, sad, or is I just have nothing better to do. Now most of what I shop for then are clothing and accesories, and I really do not spend much money on my clothes. Most people seem to believe that I do, but the truth is most of my clothes I found a great deal on and just can not pass up. Which leads me to another problem. I can not seem to pass up a good deal. Even when I know that I have entirely too many clothes I just keep buying.
I have really been working on these things. For starters we have cleaned out our entire house. I am happy to say that we do not have a lot of stuff stored away. About the only things are some seasonal decorations and my husbands military gear. That gear takes up so much space its crazy. I am also trying very hard not to online shop late in the evenings when I am having trouble sleeping. Instead I am trying to read and write more.
Over the years I know that I have started to let my possessions define my. While it is a longer process than I wish it was I am slowly working towards not being that kind of person. Already I know that if my house burned down tomorrow as long as I have my husband all the rest is just stuff. I am hoping that realization is a big step in the way to being less materialistic.
I have really been working on these things. For starters we have cleaned out our entire house. I am happy to say that we do not have a lot of stuff stored away. About the only things are some seasonal decorations and my husbands military gear. That gear takes up so much space its crazy. I am also trying very hard not to online shop late in the evenings when I am having trouble sleeping. Instead I am trying to read and write more.
Over the years I know that I have started to let my possessions define my. While it is a longer process than I wish it was I am slowly working towards not being that kind of person. Already I know that if my house burned down tomorrow as long as I have my husband all the rest is just stuff. I am hoping that realization is a big step in the way to being less materialistic.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow Bunny!
Today it snowed in TN!!! Rare event here. Of course everyone has gone crazy and stocked up on groceries and all the schools are cancelled. Crazy if you ask me, but oh well. I took to opportunity to take some pictures. Only a couple really came out, and I may end up selling the dress. In the pics it made me look bigger than I am, and I am sensitive about that. Its hard to see in the pics, but the dress has tiny pink polka dots on it. I bought the dress at Mod Cloth and the sweater at New York and Company.
Friday, December 10, 2010
A Pirate Looks at 30
One month from today I will turn 30 years old. Part of me is a bit scared like I will not be "young" anymore. Logically I know that this is not the case, but still it feels that way. I have been thinking about it and if I have accomplished the things that I thought I would have by this time in my life. Now almost anytime I would say no, but when I really think about it I have. While I did go to college and eventually completed my degree that was never really the most important thing to me. Having a big important career has never meant much to me. For the last ten years I have worked at a job I really liked and I believe that is the important thing. Maybe my being a pharmacy technician does not sound all that impressive, but I was helping people and took pride in my work.
Also I met and married a wonderful man. Marriage was never really a goal that I had. I did hope that it would happen, but I never dreamed that I would have gotten as lucky as I did.
Before I married I was very independent. For five years I lived entirely on my own with no room mate or anything. Times were hard and money was tight, but I would not trade one minute of it. That was when I grew up and learned how to make it own my own. Which considering I married a military man is a good thing.
I had a bit of a wild time in my early twentys. During this time I did a lot of partying. While drinking was involved luckily for me I never got into any trouble, and now I do not drink at all. While I am not ashamed of this during this time I got a lot of tattoos and some piercings. Actually I still love my tattoos. I doubt I will get anymore, but do not regret what I got. These tattoos are never visible in my pictures. I no longer wear shirts that expose my back.
There is one thing that I thought I would have done by now, and that is have children. This is something that is yet to happen for my husband and I. We are hoping that it will, but I am not going to let myself be unhappy because it has taken so long. When the timing is right a child will come along.
As I write this I realize that I am not old and there are still so many years ahead of me, and so many things that I am yet to learn. My goal for these next 30 years is to learn as much as I possibly can about anything that interests me. What I have learned in these first 30 years is learning is the most important thing to me and I intend to learn as much as I can!
Also I met and married a wonderful man. Marriage was never really a goal that I had. I did hope that it would happen, but I never dreamed that I would have gotten as lucky as I did.
Before I married I was very independent. For five years I lived entirely on my own with no room mate or anything. Times were hard and money was tight, but I would not trade one minute of it. That was when I grew up and learned how to make it own my own. Which considering I married a military man is a good thing.
I had a bit of a wild time in my early twentys. During this time I did a lot of partying. While drinking was involved luckily for me I never got into any trouble, and now I do not drink at all. While I am not ashamed of this during this time I got a lot of tattoos and some piercings. Actually I still love my tattoos. I doubt I will get anymore, but do not regret what I got. These tattoos are never visible in my pictures. I no longer wear shirts that expose my back.
There is one thing that I thought I would have done by now, and that is have children. This is something that is yet to happen for my husband and I. We are hoping that it will, but I am not going to let myself be unhappy because it has taken so long. When the timing is right a child will come along.
As I write this I realize that I am not old and there are still so many years ahead of me, and so many things that I am yet to learn. My goal for these next 30 years is to learn as much as I possibly can about anything that interests me. What I have learned in these first 30 years is learning is the most important thing to me and I intend to learn as much as I can!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sorry, Little Blog
I have been neglecting my blog. Truth is that I am still try to decide exactly the direction I want to take the blog in. I know I want to start posting more photos, but I have not been feeling very inspired lately. Maybe one evening this week I will photograph the Christmas light down at the river. It should be less crowded and easier to do then.
On a good note my mother-in-law has been in visiting this past week from Washington. We had a great time! While she was here we went to the local theatre and saw A Christmas Carol, and went down to Nashville to see ICE and walk around the Opryland Hotel (newly reopened since the floods that hit middle Tennesse so hard in May) and of course we spent some family time cooking and doing some crafting projects. She also taught me how to read a sewing pattern, so here's hoping that I can make a dress!!
For anyone who reads this blog and is wondering what ICE is. Every year Gaylord Opryland has and exibit that is made entirely out of ice. It is usually themed this year it is Santa Claus is Coming to Town and last year it was Charlie Brown Christmas. The exibit is so pretty and fun, but it is only nine degrees inside so it gets pretty cold! They give you the big blue parkas we are wearing in the picture.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
“Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up
Don't think I have mentioned in my blog before that I am a raging insomniac. Sleeping does not come easily to me. Oh how I wish it did. My husband falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, and I lay there for hours...jealous!! I have tried everything from over the counter sleep aids, prescription sleep aids, herbal sleep aids, simply trying to completly wear myself out, and even an app on my phone that is sort of a zen thing that helps you sleep. None of it really seems to work for me. However, sometimes I can lay down at 8pm at night and sleep for twelve straight hours. My only guess as to why this happens is that I am just so worn out that my body shuts down.
Sometimes when I am laying there listening to my husband snore I will get up and move to the couch. Then I sometimes read or write, but if don't feel like those things I turn on the TV and flip channels. Now for the most part I hate infomercials. They get on my nerves and I think they are dumb, but in those hours when I am worn out yet unable to sleep I start thinking I need everything!! The main items I have been sure I needed were Proactiv, BareMinerals make-up, and a magnetic purse thing called a Miche. No matter what I will always watch those when they are on, and will always think that I need all three of these products. Yet I have never actually ordered any of the stuff. I guess thats good because I do shop online for almost everything I buy, so it would be easy for me to order these things. I guess the reason why I am writing this is because I am wondering why these things look so awsome to me in the early morning hours when I need sleep, but seem so silly otherwise. I guess the shows prey on insomniacs like myself .
Well I hope that whoever is reading this reads it at a decent hour because I am not writing it at a decent hour!! Happy Sleeping!
Sometimes when I am laying there listening to my husband snore I will get up and move to the couch. Then I sometimes read or write, but if don't feel like those things I turn on the TV and flip channels. Now for the most part I hate infomercials. They get on my nerves and I think they are dumb, but in those hours when I am worn out yet unable to sleep I start thinking I need everything!! The main items I have been sure I needed were Proactiv, BareMinerals make-up, and a magnetic purse thing called a Miche. No matter what I will always watch those when they are on, and will always think that I need all three of these products. Yet I have never actually ordered any of the stuff. I guess thats good because I do shop online for almost everything I buy, so it would be easy for me to order these things. I guess the reason why I am writing this is because I am wondering why these things look so awsome to me in the early morning hours when I need sleep, but seem so silly otherwise. I guess the shows prey on insomniacs like myself .
Well I hope that whoever is reading this reads it at a decent hour because I am not writing it at a decent hour!! Happy Sleeping!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Celebrate Good Times!!!
Last week my husband and I attened two formal events. They were a little different than the Military Balls were are accustomed to attending, but lots of fun!! The first event was honoring all of the sponsors who makes the programs on post possible, and the second was a ladies function and was basically a semi-formal night our for ladies whose husbands are deployed. My husband, however, was at the event because he was one of a group of soldiers who were waiting outside to usher ladies in as they were arriving. He was quite proud of the fact that he was the one who escorted Mrs. Campbell aka. General Campbell's wife ake. the Commanding General of Ft. Campbell, KY!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Busy Week

This week I have not one but two formal events to go to!! Twice in one week I get to see my hubby in his dress uniform!! He's so handsome when he wears his dress blues. One is very formal and the other is more of a cocktail party. I managed to find two pretty dresses for a good price. Its hard sometimes to find good deals on modest formal wear. So much of what is out there is for young girls going to prom. In less than two months I will be 30 and I just don't feel comfortable in something too revealing. Especially not when you are meeting four star generals.
That leads me to something else I may be teaching a class on post soon about Military Ball etiquette. While I am not usually big on teaching this class is interesting to me. I remember how nervous I was the first time I went to a military ball. While I was super excited too there are a lot of rules about what you can and cannot do. I hope to help other wives to know these before they are at a ball and are worried that they might embarrass their significant other.
The first formal is tomorrow night and I can't figure out what to do with my hair. In August for some reason I went crazy and cut off my long hair. I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was the extreme heat in Tennessee or just too many bad hair days in a row. Either way I don't like it now and am trying to figure out something cute for tomorrow. Stay posted for pictures from both events!
Here is a picture of my hair. I miss it sooooo much.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I like a Happy Ending!
Husband and I had a interesting Sunday afternoon. There has been a cat wondering around our neighborhood for several days now. Today she made her way to our yard and I couldn't help but pet her. Well that did it!! She adopted us! She was so pretty black and white with long hair and very sweet and gentle. Unfotunatley I am really allergic to cats so we could not keep her, but with the temperature quickly dropping outside I also couldn't stand the thought of the little girl freezing. My husband made a quick trip to the local Petsmart and they gave him the number of a local lady who runs a shelter, but she does not take calls on Sunday nights. Totally understandable, but the local animal control was also closed because it was Sunday. So, this meant that kitty would be staying with us for the night. Tim got her some food and an inexpensive litter box, and we made her a bed in our garage. We had gotten her all settled in and Tim made a post about her adopting us on his Facebook. Only a few minutes after he made the post his phone started ringing. One of his former soldiers, and really good friend's, wife was calling. She had seen Tim's post and her and her two children were interested in the cat and wanted to come get her tonight!! We love these people and know they will give her a great home. Also their little girl was so happy to get the cat it made my itchy eyes and throat worth it! I am really glad we found her a home so quickly. Husband took a couple of pictures for me. We could not get her to look at the camera, and please excuse my appearance!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Veteran's Day

This entry is a day late, but I spent Veteran's Day hanging out with my husband. I want to thank all of the brave men and women who have served and currently serve our country. Your sacrifice for your country is awsome. I give a very special thank you to my wonderful husband for his service in the Marine Reserves while he was in college, and now his service to the Army. I am so proud of you. I have put up a picture of my husband Cpt. Timothy Powlas when he first commisioned into the Army as a Second Lieutenant. He has now served eight years with the Army and five in the Marines for a total of 13 years of Military service.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Back Door Botique!
Today while running errands I got some good news. I have been accepted for a volunteer position at a small store on Post. I am really happy about this because I really love what this store does for young soldiers and their spouses. It is called the Back Door Botique and runs completely on donations. They take things like clothes and small appliances and small funiture. It is mainly to help to married soldiers in setting up their households once a week the spouse can come in and they get a bag which they can fill and they can take one item that they can carry. I really believe that this store is a good thing and have been told that there is not another store like it on an Army Post. I am hoping that my experience will enable me to start one of these stores at our next duty station. Already I have donated tons of stuff to the store. My husband and I have really been trying to cut down on our stuff, and it feels so good to have less things around. Once again I am getting off subject! All in all I am excited for this opportunity I hope that I find it fun and rewarding.
Friday, November 5, 2010
This Makes me Really Sad
My husband and I are both very set when it comes to our political views. He tends to be more outspoken about it than I do, but both of us are pretty willing to share our opinion. That being said. For some reason my mother's boss decided to befriend my husband on FB. I have no idea why. She may have met him at our wedding, but other than that she does not know him at all. As it turns out she is very into politics and posts a lot on her page about it. One can only imagine how fired up she has been the last few days due to recent election results. My husband commented on one of her posts, and another person asked him to explain himself further. Husband took the time and did explain himself in a very educated way. He did not put anybody down nor did he use any profanity. He simply laid out the facts. I then commented that I agreed with him and it was well written. At that point my mom's boss deleted myself, my husband, and my mom from her account. Now this does not hurt my feelings at all because I had no feelings for the woman and had infact hidden her months ago, but this will cause problems for my mother. For that I am deeply sorry that my husband and I became involved. My mom's boss thinks that her opinion is the only one and she will possibly make my mom's life at work very bad. This is so sad to me. I would never have intentionally done anything to hurt my mother. I can only hope that her boss will forget it by Monday and not treat her badly.
All of this has really got me thinking. I wanted to make this blog a lot about my views and stuff like that, but now I think I am going to take it in a different direction. It will be a bit more journal like. Just random things I'm doing such as my photography. I will also share stories that I think are funny. I may even post more of my fashion as I really really love fashion. I hope that I will not seem shallow for not posting on other deeper things, but I really do hate to hurt people. Also it seems that so many of us can not agree to disagree, so I resolve now to keep this blog light and funny.
But I will make one last political statement: VOTE!!! no matter the party. That is the important part is that we exercise our right to vote.
All of this has really got me thinking. I wanted to make this blog a lot about my views and stuff like that, but now I think I am going to take it in a different direction. It will be a bit more journal like. Just random things I'm doing such as my photography. I will also share stories that I think are funny. I may even post more of my fashion as I really really love fashion. I hope that I will not seem shallow for not posting on other deeper things, but I really do hate to hurt people. Also it seems that so many of us can not agree to disagree, so I resolve now to keep this blog light and funny.
But I will make one last political statement: VOTE!!! no matter the party. That is the important part is that we exercise our right to vote.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Few of My Favorite Dresses!
I wanted to post a few of my favorite dresses. I tend to like 50s inspired dresses. The only actual vintage dress I have is the flowered one in this entry. That dress was actually my mother-in-law's. She wore it for her engagement pictures in 1974. I would love to own more actual vintage clothing, but not much of it seems to come in my size.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections
I have gone on a rant about social networking on here recently, but I am about to do it again!! There are a couple of things that are really bugging me today. First would be the constant posts from people talking about how wonderful their life is and they have the best significant other etc. Maybe is seems like I am not happy or do not want other people to be happy. That is not true. It's just been my experience that people who need constantly profess their happiness or how perfect their life is are not usually all that happy. Same as the people who write in their about me sections about how they hate drama are the same people who are always in the middle of it.
Of course I am known to post status updates about what a great day its been and so on. I am by no means an unhappy person. Now, am I happy every single second of everyday? NO! Honestly who is happy that much? However, that does not mean that I do not have a great and happy life, and just because I don't post constant updates on how wonderful my husband is does not mean that I don't feel that way about him. He knows I think he's the most awsome thing since sliced bread without me having to tell everyone online that. I think that my main issue with the stuff the updates that I see about being in love and so happy is the fact that these people seem to usually have only just started dating that person maybe a month ago. Also when my 13 year old cousin is refering to her little boyfriend as her "lover" well that just worries me. I don't know if she truly knows what it means to be someones lover or if she thinks its just a term of endearment. I am hoping at 13 she is atleast educated on sex and by educated I mean NOT doing it. Ok waaay over on a different topic there. Sorry!
Maybe I should try and get away from social networking, but it is so hard to live a completly Facebook free life. I have edited my friends down to people I know in person, and quite a few of them are friends that have been stationed overseas. FB allows me to keep in touch with my oveseas friends easier. I have also hidden even more people than I have deleted, but then they end up asking if I saw a post and of course I didn't because they are hidden. Hopefully I will somehow find a happy medium.
Of course I am known to post status updates about what a great day its been and so on. I am by no means an unhappy person. Now, am I happy every single second of everyday? NO! Honestly who is happy that much? However, that does not mean that I do not have a great and happy life, and just because I don't post constant updates on how wonderful my husband is does not mean that I don't feel that way about him. He knows I think he's the most awsome thing since sliced bread without me having to tell everyone online that. I think that my main issue with the stuff the updates that I see about being in love and so happy is the fact that these people seem to usually have only just started dating that person maybe a month ago. Also when my 13 year old cousin is refering to her little boyfriend as her "lover" well that just worries me. I don't know if she truly knows what it means to be someones lover or if she thinks its just a term of endearment. I am hoping at 13 she is atleast educated on sex and by educated I mean NOT doing it. Ok waaay over on a different topic there. Sorry!
Maybe I should try and get away from social networking, but it is so hard to live a completly Facebook free life. I have edited my friends down to people I know in person, and quite a few of them are friends that have been stationed overseas. FB allows me to keep in touch with my oveseas friends easier. I have also hidden even more people than I have deleted, but then they end up asking if I saw a post and of course I didn't because they are hidden. Hopefully I will somehow find a happy medium.
Friday, October 29, 2010
TLC You Dissapoint Me
The other night I found myself flipping channels on TV and for some reason began watching the new show on TLC, Sister Wives, I had no intention of ever watching it. However, it was like a train wreck and for some reason I could not change the channel. Now I pride myself on accepting all different types of people and all different lifestyles. I do not judge people on how they choose to live their lives. In fact I enjoy surrounding myself with a diverse group of people. But this is so different. The man on the show is breaking the law by having more than one wife, and TLC is paying him to follow him around and watch him do it. The women say that they choose this life, and want to be there. Maybe they do, but my guess would be deep down all four of them wishes he would ditch the other three.
This show is so demeaning to women. I was discussing it with my husband who was a bit upset with me for even watching it. He brought up the point that all the wives are only worth one fourth of what the husband is in the relationship and he was so right. What makes him so great that he gets to have all these women who are faithful to him when he is not faithful to them. I cannot believe that TLC would endorse such a thing by airing this TV show. I know that they are trying to have people not view it as wrong, but just a different way of life. But in this case TLC is wrong. Polygamy is illegal and wrong. The women went on about how they chose this lifestyle and how they love to have other women around to talk to and share their lives with. Is that not what your close girlfriends are for? You can still have the talking and sharing of feelings and outings and all that without sharing a husband.
I will continue to watch TLC mainly because What Not to Wear is one of my favorite shows. However, I will never watch that show again and will always think a little less of TLC for even airing it. I am sorry that I contributed to the shows ratings that one night.
This show is so demeaning to women. I was discussing it with my husband who was a bit upset with me for even watching it. He brought up the point that all the wives are only worth one fourth of what the husband is in the relationship and he was so right. What makes him so great that he gets to have all these women who are faithful to him when he is not faithful to them. I cannot believe that TLC would endorse such a thing by airing this TV show. I know that they are trying to have people not view it as wrong, but just a different way of life. But in this case TLC is wrong. Polygamy is illegal and wrong. The women went on about how they chose this lifestyle and how they love to have other women around to talk to and share their lives with. Is that not what your close girlfriends are for? You can still have the talking and sharing of feelings and outings and all that without sharing a husband.
I will continue to watch TLC mainly because What Not to Wear is one of my favorite shows. However, I will never watch that show again and will always think a little less of TLC for even airing it. I am sorry that I contributed to the shows ratings that one night.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Allow Me to Apologize
I would like to make a short entry to apologize for the bad grammar and spelling in my previous entries. While I do not want my writing to be bad in this blog for one of the first times in my life my work is not being graded, and that makes me not care a little. Not really a good excuse, but I will try to do better.
I am working on an entry for tonight or tomorrow about on of my favorite books/movies The Silence of the Lambs. Last night I watched a documentary on the movie and it reminded me of how much I loved the series of books.
I am working on an entry for tonight or tomorrow about on of my favorite books/movies The Silence of the Lambs. Last night I watched a documentary on the movie and it reminded me of how much I loved the series of books.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Let's Talk about Me!!
I thought I would make an entry to help people get to know me better!
-I am 29 years old and don't really know what I want to do with my life. I have worked in pharmacy for 10 years, but recently quit. Right now I am trying to figure out if I miss it.
-Being that I am not currently working I am pursuing my hobbies and interests more. Photography, Sewing, Crotching, Mosaic Work, Writing are my main interests but at anytime something new might come up.
-I LOVE to travel!! I have been to a fair amount of place within the US and I have also visited Mexico and British Colombia, Canada. There are so many place that I want to go in the US and all over the world that it literally hurts me to think about it. It is so overwhelming. I am hoping that being a military family will help me see more of the world.
-I am married to a wonderful man. He is smart, funny, successful and he loves me more than I thought anybody could. He is a Captian in the Army. We live the active duty military life.
-Our military life has yet to involve any moving for me, but in eight months we are making our first long distance move as a couple. We are going to Virginia for six months and then we will get a new duty station. I am very excited but also a little nervous. I met my husband after he was stationed here. I am actually from about 50 miles away from our current post, so this will be my first big move ever.
-I have a major sweet tooth! That said I don't really like hard candy or anything gummy. Cake and ice cream are my main weaknesses. As is Root Beer I only drink water other than the occasional Root Beer and I will not keep it in my house because I will drink it until its all gone!
-I am not a religious person. This is not for lack of me wanting to be. I have tried and at this point in my life it is not for me. I could pretend that I have different feelings but I feel that would be worse that me just admitting that I have a hard time believing things.
-I love to do laundry! I thought I would give a few trivial facts.
-While I love laundry I hate to cook. Its a good thing my husband loves to cook! In fact it is his passion and main hobby.
-I love playing board games with my husband and his family. My family never played games together, so I am really happy that his family loves to play. The husband has also been very patient in teaching me to play chess. I'm still not good but I will get there!
-I have a huge interest in 16th century English royalty. Mainly Henry IIIV and Anne Bolyn. I will read just about anything I can find on them. It can be historical fiction or actual historical accounts. I will read pretty much anything about that time in history.
-Ok if you think that I am really conceited, but I think I am really smart. Far smarter than my history would reflect. I am not always the best when it comes to reading and then taking a test on the subject. Most of the time this is due to not caring. I consider myself an intelectual. I think about things very deeply. When I have an interest in something I really pursue it. I believe that really thinking and being able to interact with people and read people the way that I can is far better than being able to count my degrees. But number of degrees are what seem to matter to most people, so according to them I am not smart. Oh well!!
-I am conservative politically. This for some reason suprises most people. Not sure why exactly. One person told me he assumed that I was a democrat because I wore Converse Chucks all the time. I still don't know what my choice in foot wear had to do with my politcal views. However, I am very much a republican and will not apoligize for any of my opinions that I post in this blog.
-I am very sweet person who tends to get her feelings hurt easily. Oh how I wish that was not the case but I have learned that it is just simply the way I am. I can come accross like I don't care but really if I think I have hurt someone's feelings it kills me. Also it does not take much to hurt my feelings.
Ok, I think that is enough for now. I may add later on as things come to me!
-I am 29 years old and don't really know what I want to do with my life. I have worked in pharmacy for 10 years, but recently quit. Right now I am trying to figure out if I miss it.
-Being that I am not currently working I am pursuing my hobbies and interests more. Photography, Sewing, Crotching, Mosaic Work, Writing are my main interests but at anytime something new might come up.
-I LOVE to travel!! I have been to a fair amount of place within the US and I have also visited Mexico and British Colombia, Canada. There are so many place that I want to go in the US and all over the world that it literally hurts me to think about it. It is so overwhelming. I am hoping that being a military family will help me see more of the world.
-I am married to a wonderful man. He is smart, funny, successful and he loves me more than I thought anybody could. He is a Captian in the Army. We live the active duty military life.
-Our military life has yet to involve any moving for me, but in eight months we are making our first long distance move as a couple. We are going to Virginia for six months and then we will get a new duty station. I am very excited but also a little nervous. I met my husband after he was stationed here. I am actually from about 50 miles away from our current post, so this will be my first big move ever.
-I have a major sweet tooth! That said I don't really like hard candy or anything gummy. Cake and ice cream are my main weaknesses. As is Root Beer I only drink water other than the occasional Root Beer and I will not keep it in my house because I will drink it until its all gone!
-I am not a religious person. This is not for lack of me wanting to be. I have tried and at this point in my life it is not for me. I could pretend that I have different feelings but I feel that would be worse that me just admitting that I have a hard time believing things.
-I love to do laundry! I thought I would give a few trivial facts.
-While I love laundry I hate to cook. Its a good thing my husband loves to cook! In fact it is his passion and main hobby.
-I love playing board games with my husband and his family. My family never played games together, so I am really happy that his family loves to play. The husband has also been very patient in teaching me to play chess. I'm still not good but I will get there!
-I have a huge interest in 16th century English royalty. Mainly Henry IIIV and Anne Bolyn. I will read just about anything I can find on them. It can be historical fiction or actual historical accounts. I will read pretty much anything about that time in history.
-Ok if you think that I am really conceited, but I think I am really smart. Far smarter than my history would reflect. I am not always the best when it comes to reading and then taking a test on the subject. Most of the time this is due to not caring. I consider myself an intelectual. I think about things very deeply. When I have an interest in something I really pursue it. I believe that really thinking and being able to interact with people and read people the way that I can is far better than being able to count my degrees. But number of degrees are what seem to matter to most people, so according to them I am not smart. Oh well!!
-I am conservative politically. This for some reason suprises most people. Not sure why exactly. One person told me he assumed that I was a democrat because I wore Converse Chucks all the time. I still don't know what my choice in foot wear had to do with my politcal views. However, I am very much a republican and will not apoligize for any of my opinions that I post in this blog.
-I am very sweet person who tends to get her feelings hurt easily. Oh how I wish that was not the case but I have learned that it is just simply the way I am. I can come accross like I don't care but really if I think I have hurt someone's feelings it kills me. Also it does not take much to hurt my feelings.
Ok, I think that is enough for now. I may add later on as things come to me!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Third Time Was the Charm!!
Since May there has been a blown glass exibit about 60 miles from where my husband and I live. It was an outdoor exibit by the artist Chihuly. Who conicidentaly is from my husband's hometown of Seattle, WA, but husband had never seen any of his outdoor exibits. Well the first time we tried to go it turned out that the exibit closed early that day and we did not know. Ok, no big deal it was our mistake. Then later on that week we tried to go again and it turns out that while they told us the exibit would be open that night there was actually a concert on the grounds so it was closed. Finally today spur of the moment we decided to go down there. After checking the internet and calling to make sure it would be open. It was quite beautiful and well worth the trips to see it!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Some Thoughts on Social Networking
Everyday I get more frustrated with social networking. I enjoy things like Facebook and Twitter, but it has gotten so out of hand. There are two main things that bother me the most. The first being the constant status updates that some people do on EVERYTHING. Nobody care about your entire schedule for each and everday. Now there are exceptions to this rule. Such as when you are on a vacation and want to easily keep your friends and family updated on what the places you are going and the sites your seeing. The other is the vague updates. I have been known to do this in the past, but now if I say something I try to not let there be any mystery to it. I also have stopped posting anything too personal. Personally I don't want to know everybody's everything. For example: If you are pregnant and just had a doctors visit you may post an update that you had a visit and all is looking well with you and the baby. Do not give the dirty details of how much you are efaced or if you mucus plug is thinning. Seriously people!! I know basic biology I know about all these things, but somethings should be kept between you and your spouse or in the case of pregnancy you might want to tell your mother these things, but not all you FB friends.
Now I know I have been guilty of these things, but I am making a conscious effort to do better. However, I have been told that some of the things that I choose to post make me seem superficial. I assure you this is not true, but a lot of my FB friends and Twitter followers do not share the same beliefs that I do and I do not want to offend them with my different way of thinking.
Overall just be careful what you put out there on the internet. You don't know who is looking at it and even if you do know the people do you really want them knowing that much about your life?
Now I know I have been guilty of these things, but I am making a conscious effort to do better. However, I have been told that some of the things that I choose to post make me seem superficial. I assure you this is not true, but a lot of my FB friends and Twitter followers do not share the same beliefs that I do and I do not want to offend them with my different way of thinking.
Overall just be careful what you put out there on the internet. You don't know who is looking at it and even if you do know the people do you really want them knowing that much about your life?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Some Thoughts on a Hard Day
This morning when I got to work I had to deal with a situation that I am finding quite difficult. I work in a hospital as a pharmacy technician. For the last ten years I have worked in pharmacy in some form or another. During this time I have become pretty numb to the things that happen. I just accept it. Of course it is sad when people pass or have to be taken off life support, but dying is part of life and if I let every case bother me then I would not be able to live my life. However, this just seemed very different. It was a 28 year old woman who was having a baby. She had an allergic reaction to the anestesia (very rare) and coded twice. Both the OB staff and the ICU staff spent the entire night just trying to keep her alive, and she did make it into the afternoon at which point she was life flighted to another hospital. I hope that she pulls through. I'm not sure why this has been so hard for me, but as I was mixing her IV medications I began thinking about her as more than just a name on my label. I started to wonder what she did for a living, if she was married. Was this her first child? Surely it must be her first or this would have been known. I also thought about her significant other. If he was in the picture or not and how he was taking all of this. The reason I am writing about this situation is because it really has me down. People die all the time in the hospital, but when you work in a small county hospital like I do most of the time these deaths are not very traumatic. It is usually very old people who are expected to pass away soon. That probably sounds really cold, but I do not mean it that way. Like I said before if I let all of the cases get to me then I would be depressed all the time. Unfortunatley now that the patient has been transferred there will be no way for me to know if she pulls through, but I am hoping and thinking about her family and her baby tonight. I wish them the best in this ordeal.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Relax...There is no Hell
So, I see that I have the same number of followers. That would be ONE and that would also be myself. Oh well no big deal. I am going to start writing more and maybe people will read more. Write it and they will come! That is what I'm telling myself. I have began the search for place for husband and I to live in Virginia, and guess what? There is NOWHERE decent to live in Chester, VA. I was really not wanting to live in an apartment because I did that for so long in my twenties. I was hoping to find a cute little house that we could rent for about six monts. Maybe try living in a little bit older house. Something with some character. However, I don't want to like the place too much because we will be leaving in six months. But I also don't want to live in a crappy place or a super expensive "luxury" apartment. The cost of living is quite a bit higher even in Chester because of the proximity to D.C. I really don't know why because its like three hours away I don't think anybody would commute from Chester but what do I know. I'm only a Republican after all!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Gettin on my Soap Box!
Lately a lot of my friends have been going to see the "Bodies" exibit that travels around the country. This exibit I must say disgusts me. Not because I have any problem with dead bodies. I work in a hospital next to the morgue they are part of my life everyday. However, I do take issue with bodies being used in this way. I do respect that the people doing the exibit are trying to give people an understanding of the human body. This can be done in many ways other than gawking at dead people. Like take an A&P class. What really makes me against it is that when the bodies that are in the exibit were still living people and they made the decision to dontate their body to science did they really think that it would be used that way? This brings me to another point money is being made off of this exibit are the families of the deceased entitled to any of that money? I guess when you agree to give your body to science then you waive all of those rights. This being said I am an organ doner and am seriously considering donating my body to science, but not before I make sure that in now way will I be gawked at by thousands of people coming to see an exibit.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I'm Trying!!
Ok, so I have had this blog now for awhile and have not posted to it. I am planning to change that. Right now I am just trying to find out exactly what I want to write about. Do I want it to be kind of like a journal? Maybe throw some of my beliefs out there and see what other people think. Do I want to make it strictly photography? Or a little bit of all of these things. Well if you follow me, and you probably don't stay posted I will eventually come up with something and I'm sure it will be incredibly interesting!!
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